
First Time Mother Shows Up In ER With Complaints of Bilateral Symmetrical Breast Swelling.


Jackson, MS  - In what ER doctors are calling one of the strangest cases of Failure To Parent ever, 20 year-old first time mother Tanya Jameson called 911 demanding to be transported  back to Jackson Memorial Hospital by ambulance with complaints of severe, progressive, bilateral breast swelling three days after delivering a bouncy 10 pound 2 ounce baby boy.

Paramedics arrived at the scene to find Tanya's mother in a panic consoling her daughter writhing in pain.  "You've got to take my daughter to the ER.  Those damn doctors let her out too soon. Something is terribly wrong!" said her anxiety ridden mother Teagen, who's been bottle feeding the newborn with free hospital provided formula for the last three days.

When paramedics called in report, Emergency physicians were prepared for a critically ill septic young female with bilateral mastitis, a breast infection that can cause serious illness when left untreated. But when physical exam failed to show anything more than normal milk filled breasts, doctors realized the patient was unaware of the need to empty her breasts of milk.

Doctors called in the hospital's lactation specialist for a stat ER consult.

New mother admitted to hospital with iatrogenic pregnancy side effects
"Yeah.  I remember this girl last week.We tried to explain the whole breast feeding thing to her in the hospital, but she just wouldn't stop texting.  I heard she was even texting her baby's daddy right through delivery," said Jane Swanson, a lactation specialist who says this is pretty normal these days.

When doctors tried to talk to the mother about how to help her daughter navigate life as a new mother, they discovered she had gone outside to smoke a carton of cigarettes with the turkey sandwich she requested in triage.

After six hours of trying to get Tanya comfortable with morphine, Ativan, Zofran, Bendryl, Phenergan and Demerol, ER doctors called the Hospitalist to admit at shift change when she FINALLY become unresponsive to texting and the ER doctor was ready to go home.

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