
CDC Ebola Isolation Protocol Deficiency Discovered


Atlanta, GA --  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) apologized Monday for blaming a protocol breach as the source of hospital acquired Ebola infections in two healthcare workers at Texas Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, Texas shortly after discovering major deficiencies in their own Ebola isolation protocols.

"We apologize to all healthcare workers personally offended by our protocol breach accusation resulting in Ebola transmission.  It turns out it our protocol needed updating,"  said Tom Frieden, CDC director since 2009.

Mr Frieden came clean after a CDC intern discovered a copy of the The Official CDC Ebola Isolation Protocol on Google and reported his concerns to Mr. Frieden immediately.

The CDC hopes to have an updated Ebola isolation protocol available for all healthcare workers early next year.  Until then, they are requesting all hospital workers, who come into contact with an Ebola patient, draw a giant E in permanent black marker on their right shoulder so everyone around them can act accordingly.

Official CDC Ebola Isolation Protocol for Healthcare Workers
Official Ebola Isolation Protocol for Healthcare Workers 

You can buy your own isolation protocol shirt or other assorted isolation protocol gifts only from The Happy Hospitalist's Zazzle store.

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