
Provider-Plan-Payer Alliance for Health - Your Input is Needed


Illinois was recently awarded a Model Design grant from the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovations (CMMI) for the development of a State Health Care Innovation Plan. Through these grants, CMMI is encouraging states to develop multi-payer approaches that send a consistent signal to providers and consumers incentivizing healthy behaviors, safe environments, and appropriate community supports linked to high quality care through accountable and comprehensive delivery systems. Illinois will develop its models to test over three years in the next round of funding. The grant period officially began April 1, and we must submit the comprehensive plan to CMS by September 30.

Over these six months, Illinois will develop its State Health Care Innovation Plan, which will focus on models to improve overall population health through collaboration among public health, health care, and community development sectors. The Innovation Plan will incorporate new initiatives, as well as build upon the delivery and payment system reforms already underway in Medicaid and the private sector. The planning process will require collaboration among health plans, providers, and payers to reform payment and delivery systems and the active engagement of community development and public health communities to enhance quality, improve health status and reduce overall costs.

Michael Gelder, Senior Health Policy Advisor to Governor Quinn, will lead the development of the plan in conjunction with the directors of Healthcare and Family Services, Human Services, Aging, Insurance, Professional Regulation, and Public Health. Staff workgroups will focus on delivery system/payment reform, data, and policy changes needed.

Overall, this grant is essential to achieve Governor Quinn’s goal to transform Illinois’ health care system to emphasize health, wellness, and independence. A healthy population is critical to keep health care costs affordable for businesses and families, which in turn will help Illinois attract jobs and continue to expand our economy.

Steering Committee Members
Steering Committee Presentation
State of Illinois Provider-Plan-Payer Alliance for Health
Letter from CMS Center for Medicaid Innovation Awarding Illinois the Model Design Award
CMS State Innovation Model Fact Sheet
Value of an All Payer Claims Database Webinar
Alliance Town Hall Meeting Notes - June 6, 2013

We welcome your feedback throughout the next 6 months as we develop our State Health Care Innovation Plan. Please submit your comments here and use the Town Hall Questions as a guide. Your comment and name may be made public on this site unless you indicate otherwise, with an exception for personal information or inappropriate language.

NOTE: All submissions are subject to the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA).

[This was originally posted on the State of Illinois' Health Care Reform Website]

Illinois was recently awarded a Model Design grant from the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovations (CMMI) for the development of a State Health Care Innovation Plan. Through these grants, CMMI is encouraging states to develop multi-payer approaches that send a consistent signal to providers and consumers incentivizing healthy behaviors, safe environments, and appropriate community supports linked to high quality care through accountable and comprehensive delivery systems. Illinois will develop its models to test over three years in the next round of funding. The grant period officially began April 1, and we must submit the comprehensive plan to CMS by September 30.

Over these six months, Illinois will develop its State Health Care Innovation Plan, which will focus on models to improve overall population health through collaboration among public health, health care, and community development sectors. The Innovation Plan will incorporate new initiatives, as well as build upon the delivery and payment system reforms already underway in Medicaid and the private sector. The planning process will require collaboration among health plans, providers, and payers to reform payment and delivery systems and the active engagement of community development and public health communities to enhance quality, improve health status and reduce overall costs.

Michael Gelder, Senior Health Policy Advisor to Governor Quinn, will lead the development of the plan in conjunction with the directors of Healthcare and Family Services, Human Services, Aging, Insurance, Professional Regulation, and Public Health. Staff workgroups will focus on delivery system/payment reform, data, and policy changes needed.

Overall, this grant is essential to achieve Governor Quinn’s goal to transform Illinois’ health care system to emphasize health, wellness, and independence. A healthy population is critical to keep health care costs affordable for businesses and families, which in turn will help Illinois attract jobs and continue to expand our economy.

Consumer & Community Feedback Needed!
We welcome your feedback throughout the next 6 months as we develop our State Health Care Innovation Plan. Please submit your comments here (scroll down to the bottom of the page) and use the Town Hall Questions as a guide.

Your comment and name may be made public on this site unless you indicate otherwise, with an exception for personal information or inappropriate language.

NOTE: All submissions are subject to the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA).
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